Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Management of Sexual Harassment in the Health Care setting Research Paper
Management of Sexual Harassment in the Health Care setting - Research Paper Example f the managers and supervisors and their relationships in a case of sexual harassment at Health care setting would be critically analyzed in this research. The aim of the research is to find awareness about sexual harassment at work for the Health Care Setting employees. The view about the same would be taken from the supervisors and managers to determine the level of awareness in context to the cases and legislations at place. The research would investigate the role Health Care employees in case of a complaint about sexual harassment at work. The objective is to identify the role of the manager along with the guidelines to be followed in case of a complaint received. The literature review in the research would focus on the development of theory of Human Rights and the legal framework available to curb such extortions. Again, the legislation and guidelines along with the knowledge of the code of conduct for a health care manager and supervisors would be studied. The research would be conducted upon a group of 50 Health Care Employees of which 10 would be Health Care Supervisors for primary data generation. Secondary data would be collected from 5 different Health Care Managers to find out the awareness of role and responsibility for each level of health care workers in case of a violation. Sexual harassment at work place was first introduced in 1980s by Japan and the United States (, 2015). However, they had to detract due to the heavy media pressure. In health care industry, the nursing and health care staffs are prone to sexual harassment at work. Sexual harassment cause emotional distress, disgust, burnout syndromes and high turnover among the health care professionals (Corby, 2012). Thus the net outcome is inferior patient care or legal action, financial burden and a bad repute for the organization. Fineran (2012) observed that there are various reasons for such sexual harassments, especially in the lower ranks of the health care profession. Health
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Corporate social responsiveness analysis
Corporate social responsiveness analysis Corporate social responsiveness refers to how business organizations and their agents actively interact with and manage their environments. In contrast, corporate social responsibility accentuates the moral obligations that business has to society. Responsiveness and responsibility can be viewed as a balance in that responsiveness can be shaped or triggered by public expectations of business responsibilities. Generally speaking, these responsibilities implied by the term of the social contract, which legitimises business as an institution with the expectation that it provides a service whilst adhering to societys laws and ethical norms. From this perspective, businesses are in a dynamic relationship with society of which responsiveness is a key aspect. More broadly, there is the issue of why business should bother. After all, as neoclassical economists have long argued, business owes abstractions such as society nothing-shareholders are the owners of business and it is the organizations obligation to do everything legal and legitimate to advance shareholder value, not waste it on well-meaning but irrelevant CSR projects. On the other hand, the stakeholder model of the firm would insist that shareholders are only one set of stakeholders and that there are plenty of other significant stakeholders, including customers; non-governmental organisations (NGOs); and communities more generally; as well as activist groups claiming to articulate the interests of the environment and climate change and other silent stakeholders. If businesses serve only shareholder value interests in the short term and do so in such a way that jeopardises other stakeholder interests, this can have an adverse impact on the business by attacking its legitimacy or reputation. It may well be that in standard business practice that the primary responsibility of companies is to create wealth for their shareholders. The emergence of CSR and activists associated with it however adds another dimension, in order for companies to do well financially; they must also be good, ethically, by acting virtuously. Civil society organisations have increased the energy they devote to directly lobbying and exposing the malpractice of companies, which has helped to change consumer preferences and citizens attitudes towards human rights, the environment, and exploitative relationships. This paper has been divided into several headings. The purpose of the paper is to discuss the state of corporate social responsibility at multinational corporations (MNCs), using the examples of Shell and Emirates Airlines. Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility at MNCs There have been increasing demands on multinational enterprises (MNCs) to provide community development programmes and assistance to their host communities, particularly, in developing countries. In other words, meeting locally defined social and economic goals. This is mainly because developmental projects and other social infrastructures are lacking in most of these countries and most of all the time that are not provided by the government. For example, oil companies, particularly, those operating in developing countries are now constantly under pressure to be more open and accountable for a wide range of actions, and to report publicly on their performance in the social and environmental arenas. Because of their impact on politics, economics and society in host nations, they must be more attentive that others in demonstrating social responsibility through initiatives to reduce their negative impact. Blowfield and Frynas (2005) mention that MNEs need to take account of the social, ethical and environmental perceptions of their operations and how these are likely to shape the future attitudes and actions of stakeholders. Following this argument, oil companies attach greater importance to their social and environmental impact and they engage more with local communities that they used to do in the past. Various community and environmental initiatives may be seen as a response to the threat of stakeholder sanctions (Blowfield and Frynas, 2005). The purpose of the report is top discuss the state of corporate social responsibility at multinational corporations (MNCs) using the examples of Shell and Emirates Airlines in a comprehensive way. First the paper will start with a brief on each of these companies. Secondly it will go on to the Stakeholder Salience model and the Stakeholder Power Interest matrix followed by a basic chart illustrating stakeholder dynamics for both companies. The third section will focus on Corporate Social Responsibility at Shell and Emirates Airlines and Shell Oil and Emirates Airlines Launched in 1985 in Dubai with just two leased planes, the global air giant Emirates Airlines now consists of a fleet of over 120 planes and approximately 44,000 employees. The privately owned Emirates Airlines group consists of Emirates Airlines and a number of subsidiary companies including Emirates Airlines Holidays Limited. Emirates Airlines is one of the worlds leading airlines with a network that provides passenger and freight services to 149 destinations in 72 countries. Shells head office is based in The Hague, Netherlands and the parent company of the Shell group is Royal Dutch Shell plc, incorporated in England and Wales. Shell currently operates in over 100 countries and employs 102,000 staff worldwide. Shell produces 2% of the worlds oil supplies and 3% of the worlds gas supplies. Shell Stakeholder Power Interest Matrix LOW INTEREST / LOW POWER Sub-contractors HIGH INTEREST / LOW POWER Country Leaders (if corrupt) Employees Proximate Communities Future Generations Community Initiatives LOW INTEREST / HIGH POWER Government Suppliers / Supply Chain Customers Shipping Industries Oil Reserve Companies HIGH INTEREST / HIGH POWER Price Governing Bodies Shareholders Competitors Petrol Price Governance Environment Lobbying Groups Legal Representation Companies Marketing Web Design Emirates Stakeholder Power Interest Matrix LOW INTEREST / LOW POWER Government (as privately owned) Future Generations Price Governing Bodies Sub-contractors Community Initiatives HIGH INTEREST / LOW POWER Employees Proximate Communities LOW INTEREST / HIGH POWER Suppliers / Supply Chain Customers Air Space Control HIGH INTEREST / HIGH POWER Shareholders Competitors Petrol Price Governance Environment Lobbying Groups Legal Representation Companies Marketing Web Design Corporate Social Responsibility at Shell and Emirates Airlines Shell Canada attempts to make all levels of management and corporate governance aware of these guiding Business Principles through strong Lines of communication between all organizational levels for the management of health, safety, environmental and social responsibility and must also consider having regard to the legal industry and community standards in those areas (Cannon, 1992). In Shell Canadas reports are regarded as their commitment to SD, and SD is used as an overarching corporate goal, alongside growth and profitability, each essential to delivering long-term value to their shareholders. The companys reports are part of its commitment to two guiding principles, transparency and stakeholder engagement, which attempts to strengthen the linkages between its conduct, and societys expectations. (Miles, Munilla and Darroch, 2006). Furthermore, decline in economic and social development in host communities due to neglect and lack of development initiatives from host governments, has sparked a global debate about the social responsibility of corporations. According to experts, stakeholders increasingly are looking to the private sector for help with a myriad of complex and pressing social and economic issues (Blowfield and Frynas, 2005). Similarly, it has been argued that it is good business to actively engage all stakeholders in the development of sustainable strategies that reflect both economic and socially responsible outcomes (Eweje, 2001). Emirates mission is to deliver services that matter to people who value how they fly. To realise this, Emirates Airlines recognises the importance of working in partnership with its stakeholders. This has influenced its approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR). Its approach has also been influenced by the recognition that airlines generate major social and economic benefits, but also have significant impacts on the environment (for example, through noise and air quality) and on communities around airports. (needs referencing) There are several reasons why Emirates Airlines chose to engage in CSR. The first is because it is a tool to help achieve the companys long term strategic goals in providing growth opportunities around Heathrow airport. Secondly, improving business efficiency and reducing costs through waste and energy programmes provided a strong business case for CSR (Frynas, 2005). The company also thought CSR could help them with risk management by identifying risks to health, safety and environment that could hinder its opportunity to attract investors and grow the business. Lastly, it recognised that it needed to act to enhance its corporate reputation, and customer feedback (both corporate and from the general public) revealed that they expected Emirates Airlines to do the right thing. (Warhurst and Mitchell, 2000). Climate change is increasingly relevant to Emirates Airlines as aviation is a growing contributor to global carbon dioxide emissions, a main greenhouse gas, and consequently to climate change. The increase in emissions-stimulated by a rise in a passenger and freight travel-coincides with many politicians and civil society groups calling for industry to reduce carbon emissions. this presented a problem for Emirates Airlines, especially when it seeks to be a leading player in the industry for environmental issues (Eweje, 2001). In response to this Emirates Airlines board decided to develop a programme of work on climate change. The programme first sough to identify ways in which the company could reduce its own impacts. By auditing its emissions and energy use, targets for reduction in these areas were developed-for example, a fuel efficiency target of a 30% improvement between 1990 and 2010. To date this represents a saving of 50m tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions (Eweje, 2001). Emirates Airlines set a target of total reductions in annual emissions of 125,000 tonnes of CO2, to be achieved over five years (Culverwell, Lee and Koziell, 2003). One inhibiting factor has been the increase in fuel surcharges, which may have made passengers less interested in paying for other additional costs (Frynas, 2005). Emirates Airlines has attempted to deal with these challenges by improving understanding of the issues, proactively leading and stimulating the debate through direct advocacy with government and participation at various fora (Miles, Munilla and Darroch, 2006). Feedback from government and from experts on the environment has revealed that the climate change programme has positioned Emirates Airlines as a responsible airline. By becoming more involved in the debate, it has been able to steer that debate towards (in its view) the most sensible proposal of emission trading, rather than other interventions that could be expensive for the industry. In this way Emirates Airlines has been better able to manage its risks. The investment community has acknowledged this, and because of this it has enable Emirates Airlines to attract investment. A final benefit has been that, owing to its and other companies attitudes to environmental sustainability, there is a genuine prospect of expansion at Heathrow airport offering new opportunities for growth to Emirates Airlines (Warhust and Mitchell, 2000). The climate change programme is CSR because it is about taking actions to reduce its impact on the environment. Growing threat to the environment and to societies everywhere. Emirates Airlines actions on climate change go beyond compliance demonstrating that it is taking voluntary actions to reduce its contribution to carbon emissions and better understand its impact on climate change (Eweje, 2001). Emirates Airlines wishes to maintain its industry leadership position by continuing to develop policy and advocacy for cost effective instruments that benefit the environment. As part of this, it seeks to improve its customer engagement on climate change, to raise awareness and communicate Emirates Airlines work in the area. It will further develop its ground energy strategy to include actions to further reduce its internal impacts, for example, improving energy efficiency in its maintenance hangers. Lastly, it is continuing to develop and seek improvements in meeting its fuel efficiency target with a view to settting a new target for 2010 onwards. In Nigeria today, the most critical issue that affects the oil and gas is the Niger Delta (oil-producing region). There has been enormous pressure on both the Nigerian government and the MNCs to double their efforts and develop the region that contributes more that 80 per cent of Nigeria foreign earnings. Experts such as Carson, 1993 argue that oil companies have initiated, and implemented significant community development schemes. For example, MNCs provide education, scholarships, and build roads in Nigeria. He also suggests that global spending by oil, gas and mining companies on community development programmes in 2001 was over 500 million dollars (Carson, 1993). It could be argued that in economic terms, these are not the functions of businesses, but in less developed countries these roles, or rather duties, are expected from MNCS. Indeed, there have been times when local people in oil-producing regions have turned against MNEs precisely because they feel, as Mitte the president of Movement of the survival of the Ogoni people. One of the communities in the Niger Delta put it: they were not getting enough social and economic infrastructures/assistance from the MNEs that operate in their communities (Carson, 1993). Regrettably, the lack of visible and positive impact of CSR initiatives in oil-producing communities has been questioned. Evidence suggests that there is a gap between the MNCs stated CSR objectives and the actual results on the ground. What follows is the criticism of the community development initiatives of the companies because the host communities believe that MNCs CSR initiatives are not addressing both the social and environmental problems they are intended to resolve (Cannon, 1992). This assertion is somewhat similar to the argument of experts who suggest that numerous claims have been made about the contribution CSR can make to poverty alleviation and other development goals (Culverwell, Lee and Koziell, 2003). They further argue that contributes to this issue have reached the conclusion that currect CSR approaches do not warrant such claims. MNCs CSR initiatives in the Niger Delta have many aspects which include employment issues, environmental issues and local community issues (Cannon, 1992). MNCs CSR Initiatives in the Niger Delta In Nigeria, Charges of unethical behaviours include: total neglect of the Niger Delta (oil-producing areas in Nigeria) and lack of educational facilities such as classroom, teachers, and scholarships which will enhance the literacy development of the indigenes of the communities (Culverwell, Lee and Koziell, 2003). Over the years, the oil exploration and producing companies witnessed endless communal agitation, as the host communities have looked up to them for support and assistance in the provision of social and economic infrastructure and employment The poorests parts of Nigeria are where these oil companies are, and this has heightened conflict (Miles, Munilla and Darroch, 2006). Recourse to violence has resulted in a lot of damage to property and casualties on both sides. In some instances, it has resulted in the withdrawal of operations by oil companies form some locations. While planned seismic and drilling activities have been abandoned in others (Miles, Munilla and Darroch, 2006). In the past, the oil companies approach was to help or appease the communities whenever the need arose. More recently, however, they have established a more proactive and thoughtful approach to community assistance. This has resulted in the emergence of a fully developed community relations department in each of the companies, solely set up to anticipate and plan the needs of the communities (Miles, Munilla and Darroch, 2006). The Nigerian Petroleum News, 1998, who understand better their own real needs and future aspirations. During interviews with senior managers of oil companies in Nigeria, it was confirmed that community relations departments were created solely to meet local needs and situational politics. The argument here supports the theoretical position of experts who argue that corporations tend to listen to the demand of powerful stakeholder groups. In this case, the MNCs listen carefully to the demands of host communities and changed their approach towards them. The host communities also demand social welfare projects from the MNCs. In many developing countries, national and local governments have taken a more hands- off approach (Frynas, 2005) to regulating business due to such things as changing policies, the globalisation of commerce and shrinking resources. Against this background, companies are relying less on government for guidance, and instead they are pursuing their own policies with regard to such matters as environmental performance, working conditions and ethical marketing practices. This approach can be problematic. The secretary of the chiefs council of the oil-producing village of Bonny in the Niger Delta accused the oil companies of: Apartheid in its residential areas where all the state of the art welfare facilities including good water, constant electricity, good roads, super markets, schools with high-tech equipment, swimming pools and other facilities were in existence while the people of Bonny, the host community suffer absolute squalor and neglect (Frynas, 2005). This is one example of a charge of double standard brought against multinationals in developing countries. The host communities believe they should have the same facilities that are on offer to the companies workers since the bulk of profits of the MNEs comes from their land. As one observer pointed out: Communities in the Delta area in particular, where most of the exploration and production activities take place, feel generally ill-treated in the entire process of oil prospecting and production and consider themselves as being at the end of only the adverse effects of these activities (Frynas, 2005). They believe that they have not received an equitable share of the tremendous oil revenues which are being derived from their land and territories, especially in the light of disruptive consequences on their health and sources of livelihood. Nor have they been recognised as the inhabitants of oil-producing areas who should benefit from the natural resource that abounds in their ancestral lands. Trust and Discontent Issue It is argued in this paper that issue of trust plays a significant role in the relationship between the host communities in the Niger Delta and the MNCs. The past behaviour of MNCs for unfulfilling promises to the host communities has created a negative perception and mistrust. Hence, any CSR initiative no matter how laudable it is, does not always receive positive reaction in host communities. According to experts, managers can find a wealth of benefits from trust, including cost savings and enhanced organisational capacities. According to these researchers, what is evident is that the willingness of managers to create mutually trusting relationships is a matter of strategic choice. In other words, managers can, through their behaviour, help determine levels of trust in relationships between their firm and its various stakeholders. Trust is thus define as an integral part of the strategy formulation process (Warhust and Mitchell, 2000). High figures suggests that the Nigerian government rakes billions of US dollars in form of revenue from the oil industry. However, the host communities in the Niger Delta are neglected; corruption and mismanagement is rife amongst officials hence some projects earmarked for the development of the region are never completed (Warhurst and Mitchell, 2000). Charges of unethical behaviour include: total neglect of the Niger Delta and lack of educational facilities such as classrooms, teachers, and scholarships which will enhance the literacy development of the indigenes of the communities. Over the years, the oil exploration and producing companies have borne the brunt of endless communal agitation, as the host communities have looked up to them for support and assistance in the provision of social and economic and infrastructure and employment. The host communities believe they should have the same facilties that are on offer to the companies workers since the bulk of profits of the MNEs come from their land. On the issue of electrification of the communities, the companies are accused of neglecting the areas where they work by only providing electricity to their installations. The communities do not benefit from the same developments that the companies undertake for their installations and workers (Warhurst and Mitchell, 2000). Conclusion In short, the paper presents the examples of two multinational corporations and their responsiveness towards corporate social responsibility. The main points of the paper can be summarised that corporate social responsiveness, corporate social responsibility, and corporate social impacts are encapsulated in the phrase corporate social performance. Of these three concepts, responsiveness is the most forward looking, action-oriented, and malleable, since it is based on the precept that corporations have the capacity to anticipation and adapt to environmental factors. The potential is that corporate managers can learn to prevent or minimize the kind of unwelcome surprises that necessitate crisis management and government intervention while responding proactively to public expectations of how business can serve the greater good.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Charles Dickens The Signalman :: charles Dickens signalman Essays
Charles Dickens' The Signalman Introduction I have studied pre-1900 short stories by different authors, which all follow a similar format and historical content of their time. In my essay I will discuss and describe what necessary ingredients are needed to make these murder mystery short stories effective and successful. Short stories became an extremely favoured form of fiction and entertainment during the nineteenth century... In the days before electrical advantages for entertainment, (e.g:-radio, television, films and videos) adventure was generally only discovered/only existed within the imagination of mystery and supernatural stories, and were especially popular in the Victorian age, where people would escape into the mystifying worlds the words described in the stories. (Perhaps these authorsââ¬â¢ fulfilled the need for excitement in this relatively oppressed society...). It was during this era that many writers began to capture readersââ¬â¢ curiosity about death, vengeance, trickery, imprisonment, hanging, ghosts and fear... A first impression may affect/ determine the way the words will communicate with its reader throughout a story. So I feel it important that the begining of a mystery story must be (engaging, compelling, intriguing, appealing, capture the imagination/ attentions of the audience) immediately for it to be successful. Mystery= arcane, baffling, curious, enigmatic, incomprehesible, inexplicable, insoluable, magical, miraculous, mystifying, obscure, perplexing, puzzling, secret, strange, uncanny, unexplained, unfathomable, unknown, wierd, bizarre, puzzle, problem, riddle, abnormal, supernatural. Murderous= barbaric, bloodthirsty, brutal, cruel, dangerous, deadly, ferocious, fierce, homocidal, pitiless, ruthless, savage, vicious, violent, assassin. The overall effect of the above ingredients, if successfully combined, will ensure the reader is first drawn in, by capturing their imagination, and they are then compelled to keep reading until the end. Beginings In the begining of our first story The Adventure of the Engineers Thumb by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1892) (who is the creator of the famous characters Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watsonââ¬â¢s detective adventures) He tells this strange, dramatic story, which he believes, had been told more than once in the newspapers - to stress how significant this mysterious account was. The following quotation is the paragraph introducing the story:- ââ¬ËOne morning, at a little before seven oââ¬â¢clock, I was awakened by the maid tapping at the door, to announce that two men had come from Paddington, and were waiting in the consulting room. I dressed hurriedly, for I knew by experience that railway cases were seldom trivial, and hastened downstairs. As I descended, my old ally, the guard, came out of the room, and closed the door tightly behind him. ââ¬ËIââ¬â¢ve got him here,ââ¬â¢ he whispered, jerking his thumbs over his shoulder, ââ¬ËHeââ¬â¢s all right.ââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËWhat is it then?ââ¬â¢ I asked, for his manner suggested that it was some strange creature which he had caged up in
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Gains of Hosting International Sports Events
The World Cup is truly one of the biggest sporting events in the world. Host countries invest huge amounts of resources to organize and build infrastructures. Such countries surely are expecting gains in return for the huge investments they made. However, past experiences show that the chance of receiving economic benefits from hosting either the World Cup or the Olympics is surprisingly little (Maennig & Plessis, 2007). Despite this fact countries still want to host international sports events.This is because in assessing the profitability of hosting such events it is important to include both tangible and intangible benefits. This paper takes a look at such intangible benefits to analyze a fuller extent of the gains of hosting such international sports events, taking the World Cup as an example. There are other benefits from a World Cup, besides the economical, which are recognized as positive contributions to the hosting country, they might be more intangible but nonetheless still important.The ââ¬Å"feel goodâ⬠effect of citizens experiencing domestic growth, stadiums being build, new jobs, foreign recognition etc. represents a certain social profitability of the project. This is something that should definitely not be neglected. These externalities may not only prove to be very important to the citizens of the host country, but also add to the competitiveness and development of certain sectors within the country. Intangible assets may in the long run prove to be just as important as tangible. It is difficult to assign these numerical value, but it is however indisputable whether they are of importance.Happiness is basically what the World Cup may ultimately add to. The experiences related to sports, and the public satisfaction of hosting an event that has the attention of the world, may add more in terms of prestige and individual satisfaction than anyone may realize when planning the project. Surveys made in previous host countries have asked local inhabitants, whether they feel that the World Cup has benefited them, and the results have been predominantly positive (Maennig & Plessis, 2007). Another intangible gain is the branding effect that the World Cup has.Branding is something that is important for all countries in that reputation and international recognition of national abilities is something that is highly valued in export and international relations. The World Cup will also add positively in terms of tourism, which is likely to grow in sync with branding of a country. Tourism is something that can be quantified, and is a source of great income to many countries, and host countries can potentially gain substantially in from a well-handled World Cup. Empirical research has shown that hosting a major sporting event rarely produces the net economic benefits that a hosting country anticipates.However in deciding to host such international sports events, countries base their calculations not solely economic gains, but also by accounting for such intangible gains. A quote from The Economist sums up the message of this paper very well: Tourism gets a boost but only temporarily. Evidence from Sydney and Barcelona, hosts of successful recent Olympic games (and tourist spots long before that), suggest long-term tangible gains were negligible. But who cares? The World Cup is mostly about intangibles, such as prestige and fun.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Describe How to Minimize the Risk of Infection to Self and Others Essay
Working Together sets out how organisations and individuals should work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people in accordance with the Children Act 1989 and the Children Act 2004. Part 1 of the document is issued as statutory guidance. Practitioners and agencies will have different responsibilities under different areas of the guidance and should consult the preface for a fuller explanation of their statutory duties. CHANGE TO STATUTORY GUIDANCE: On 10 June, Tim Loughton MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children and Families announced a change to the statutory guidance set out in Chapter 8 of this document relating to Serious Case Reviews (SCRs). Local Safeguarding Boards should publish overview reports of all new SCRs initiated on or after 10 June 2010, together with the executive summary; neither document should contain identifying details. A letter to local authorities and their Board partners on Local Safeguarding Children Boards has been issued and provides guidance under section 16(2) of the Children Act 2004. This letter should be read in conjunction with Chapter 8. Working Together is addressed to practitioners and front line managers who have particular responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and to senior and operational managers. Part 2 of the document is issued as non-statutory practice guidance. Includes: * Introduction: working together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and families * Roles and responsibilities * Local Safeguarding Children Boards * Training, development and supervision for inter-agency working * Managing individual cases where there are concerns about a childââ¬â¢s safety and welfare * Supplementary guidance on safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children * Child death review processes * Serious case reviews * Lessons from research
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Test for Coordinate and Noncoordinate Adjectives
How to Test for Coordinate and Noncoordinate Adjectives How to Test for Coordinate and Noncoordinate Adjectives How to Test for Coordinate and Noncoordinate Adjectives By Mark Nichol One of the ways adjectives can be categorized is to determine whether they are coordinate or noncoordinate adjectives. This distinction is important, because it dictates whether two or more consecutive adjectives are separated by punctuation. For many writers, however, deciding which category an adjective belongs to can be a challenge. Fortunately, two simple tests are available to help writers know how to treat strings of adjectives. First, if two or more adjectives are separated by commas, can and substitute for each comma? Because each of the three adjectives in the sentence ââ¬Å"The pale, gaunt, sepulchral figure seemed to float above the floorâ⬠independently describe the figure, the sentence can be revised to read ââ¬Å"The pale and gaunt and sepulchral figure seemed to float above the floor.â⬠And though English observes a natural sequence of types of descriptive words called the royal order of adjectives, these words are all visually descriptive, so the sequence can be reversed without affecting comprehension: ââ¬Å"The sepulchral, gaunt, and pale figure seemed to float above the floor.â⬠These adjectives are coordinate, and they should be separated by commas. However, in the sentence ââ¬Å"Her thin green cashmere sweater did little to keep her from shivering,â⬠each adjective builds on the next: ââ¬Å"cashmere sweater,â⬠ââ¬Å"green cashmere sweater,â⬠ââ¬Å"thin green cashmere sweater.â⬠In addition, one would not write, ââ¬Å"Her cashmere green thin sweater did little to keep her from shivering,â⬠because that sequence violates the royal order of adjectives. Therefore, the adjectives are noncoordinate, and no punctuation should intervene. Use these tests to determine which of the following sentences include coordinate adjectives and which contain noncoordinate adjectives: 1. The object is a small, platinum and iridium cylinder weighing exactly one kilogram. Small describes the nature of a cylinder made of platinum and iridium, so that word is not equivalent to the other adjectives, nor would the sentence be written, ââ¬Å"The object is a platinum and iridium small cylinder weighing exactly one kilogramâ⬠: ââ¬Å"The object is a small platinum and iridium cylinder weighing exactly one kilogram.â⬠2. Uber has been dogged by controversy on the road to becoming one of the most valuable, privately funded companies in the world. The modifiers ââ¬Å"valuableâ⬠and ââ¬Å"privately fundedâ⬠are not equivalent- one would not write that the company is ââ¬Å"valuable and privately fundedâ⬠or that it is ââ¬Å"privately funded and valuable.â⬠A privately funded company is being described as one of the most valuable such companies in the world, so no punctuation should intervene between the adjective valuable and the descriptive phrase ââ¬Å"privately funded companiesâ⬠: ââ¬Å"Uber has been dogged by controversy on the road to becoming one of the most valuable privately funded companies in the world.â⬠3. The battered, clanking, smoking vehicle lumbered along the road. The three adjectives preceding vehicle are all sensory and are thus coordinate, so punctuation is correctly employed in this sentence: ââ¬Å"The battered, clanking, smoking vehicle lumbered along the road.â⬠Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Punctuate References to Dates and Times"Have" vs "Having" in Certain ExpressionsWhatââ¬â¢s the Best Way to Refer to a Romantic Partner?
Monday, October 21, 2019
Second Battle of Ypres in World War I
Second Battle of Ypres in World War I The Second Battle Ypres was fought April 22 to May 25, 1915 during World War I (1914-1918) and saw the Germans conduct a limited offensive around the strategic town of Ypres in Flanders. During the course of the battle, the Germans debuted the use of poison gas on the Western Front. This new technology provided an initial advantage, but the Germans were ultimately stopped after heavy fighting. Though the Germans had not achieved a breakthrough, they succeeded in bringing Ypres within range of their artillery. Background With the German defeat at the First Battle of the Marne in September 1914 and the unraveling of the Schlieffen Plan, both sides commenced a series of flanking maneuvers in northern France and Flanders. As the two sides sought an advantage, they clashed in Picardy, Albert, and Artois. Finally reaching the coast, the Western Front became a continuous line stretching to the Swiss frontier. In October, the Germans attempted to breakthrough at the town of Ypres in Flanders. This resulted in the First Battle of Ypres which saw the Allies hold a salient around Ypres after brutal fighting. Conflicting Strategies As trench warfare continued, both sides began assessing their options for bringing the war to a successful conclusion. Overseeing German operations, Chief of the General Staff Erich von Falkenhayn preferred to focus on winning the war on the Western Front as he believed that a separate peace could be obtained with Russia. This approach clashed with General Paul von Hindenburg who wished to deliver a decisive blow in the East. Chief of the General Staff Erich von Falkenhayn. Public Domain The hero of Tannenberg, he was able to use his fame and political intrigue to influence the German leadership. As a result, the decision was made to focus on the Eastern Front in 1915.à This focus ultimately resulted in the stunningly successful Gorlice-Tarnà ³w Offensive in May. An Offensive in the West Though Germany had elected to follow an east-first approach, Falkenhayn started planning for an operation against Ypres to begin in April. Intended as a limited offensive, he sought to divert Allied attention from troop movements east, secure a more commanding position in Flanders, as well as to test a new weapon, poison gas. Though tear gas had been used against the Russians in January at Bolimov, the Second Battle of Ypres would mark the debut of lethal chlorine gas. In preparation for the assault, German troops moved 5,730 90 lb. canisters of chlorine gas to the front opposite Gravenstafel Ridge which was occupied by French 45th and 87th Divisions. These units were comprised of territorial and colonial troops from Algeria and Morocco (Map). Armies Commanders Allies General Sir Horace Smith-DorrienGeneral Herbert PlumerGeneral Henri PutzMajor General Armand de CeuninckMajor General Theophile Figeys8 divisions Germany Albrecht, Duke of Wà ¼rttemberg7 divisions The Germans Strike Around 5:00 PM on April 22, 1915, troops from Albrecht, Duke of Wà ¼rttembergs German 4th Army began releasing the gas towards the French troops at Gravenstafel. This was done by opening the gas cylinders by hand and relying on the prevailing winds to carry the gas towards the enemy.à A dangerous method of dispersal, it resulted in numerous casualties among the German forces. Drifting across the lines, the grey-green cloud struck the French 45th and 87th Divisions. Albrecht, Duke of Wà ¼rttemberg. Public Domain Unprepared for such an attack, the French troops began retreating as their comrades were blinded or collapsed from asphyxiation and damage to lung tissue. As the gas was denser than air it quickly filled low-lying areas, such as trenches, forcing the surviving French defenders into the open where they were susceptible to German fire. In short order, a gap of around 8,000 yards opened in the Allied lines as around 6,000 French soldiers died from gas-related causes. Moving forward, the Germans entered the Allied lines but their exploitation of the gap was slowed by darkness and a lack of reserves. Closing the Breach To seal the breach, the 1st Canadian Division of General Sir Horace Smith-Dorriens Second British Army was shifted to the area after dark. Forming up, elements of the division, led by the 10th Battalion, 2nd Canadian Brigade, counterattacked at Kitcheners Wood around 11:00 PM. In a brutal battle, they succeeded in reclaiming the area from the Germans, but sustained high casualties in the process. Continuing pressure on the northern part of the Ypres Salient, the Germans released a second gas attack on the morning of the 24th as part of an effort to take St. Julien (Map). The Allies Fight to Hold On Though the Canadian troops attempted to improvise protective measures such as covering their mouths and noses with water or urine-soaked handkerchiefs, they were ultimately forced to fall back though they exacted a high price from the Germans. Subsequent British counterattacks over the next two days failed to retake St. Julien and the units engaged sustained heavy losses. As fighting spread down the salient as far as Hill 60, Smith-Dorrien came to believe that only a major counter-offensive would be able to push the Germans back to their original positions.à Field Marshal Herbert Plumer. Library of Congress As such, he recommended withdrawing two miles to a new line in front of Ypres where his men could consolidate and re-form. This plan was rejected by the Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force, Field Marshal Sir John French, who elected to sack Smith-Dorrien and replace him with the commander of V Corps, General Herbert Plumer. Assessing the situation, Plumer also recommended falling back. Following the defeat of a small counter-offensive led by General Ferdinand Foch, French directed Plumer to begin the planned retreat. New German Attacks As the withdrawal began on May 1, the Germans again attacked with gas near Hill 60. Assaulting the Allied lines, they were met by fierce resistance from the British survivors, including many from the 1st Battalion of the Dorset Regiment, and were turned back. Having consolidated their position, the Allies were again attacked by the Germans on May 8. Opening with a heavy artillery bombardment, the Germans moved against the British 27th and 28th Divisions southeast of Ypres on Frezenberg Ridge. Meeting heavy resistance, they released a gas cloud on May 10. Having endured earlier gas attacks, the British had developed new tactics such as shelling behind the cloud to strike at the advancing German infantry. In six days of bloody fighting, the Germans were only able to advance around 2,000 yards. After a pause of eleven days, the Germans resumed the battle by releasing their largest gas attack to date across a 4.5 mile section of the front. Beginning before dawn on May 24, the German assault sought to capture Bellewaarde Ridge. In two days of fighting, the British bloodied the Germans but were still forced to concede another 1,000 yards of territory. Aftermath After the effort against Bellewaarde Ridge, the Germans brought the battle to a close due to a lack of supplies and manpower. In the fighting at Second Ypres, the British suffered around 59,275 casualties, while the Germans endured 34,933. In addition, the French incurred around 10,000. Though the Germans had failed to breakthrough the Allied lines, they reduced the Ypres Salient to around three miles which allowed for the shelling of the city. In addition, they had secured much of the high ground in the area. The gas attack on the first day of the battle became one of the conflicts great missed opportunities.à Had the assault been backed with sufficient reserves, it may have broken through the Allied lines. The use of poison gas had come as a tactical surprise to the Allies who roundly condemned its use as barbaric and reprehensible. Though many neutral nations agreed with this assessment, it did not stop the Allies from developing their own gas weapons which debuted at Loos that September. The Second Battle of Ypres is also notable for being the engagement during which Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD composed the famed poem In Flanders Fields.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
This Is The Best 30-Minute Content Marketing Brainstorming Process
This Is The Best 30-Minute Content Marketing Brainstorming Process Consistently coming up with strong content marketing ideasà isà challenging. Youà have deadlines to hit. There are performance goals to meet.à The drive to be creative on-the-spot adds more pressure that you dont need. What you do need, however, is a reliable process for generating genius ideas fast. What if we told you it was possible to come up with 30 content ideasà in just 30 minutes? Not just any 30 topics, either. We mean topics your audienceà will actually want to read about. Most things that sound too good to be true are usually garbage. However, this is the actual (garbage-free) process we use here at . We can confirm from first-hand experience that this process works, and the results speak for themselves.Table Of Contents Why It Is Important To Have A Content Brainstorming Process Write Down As Many Potential Content Ideasà As You Can (10 Minutes) How To Rank Your Content Ideasà On A Three-Point Scale (10 Minutes) Narrow Down Your Best Contentà Topics (10 Minutes) How To Apply This Brainstorming Process If Youââ¬â¢re Working Solo 4 Important Tips For Making This Content Brainstorming Process Work How To Validate Content Ideasà With Keyword Research What If I Canââ¬â¢t Find Keywords With High Search Volume For My TopicThis Is The Best Way To Generate 30 Incredible Content Ideasà In JUST 30 Minutes In this post, we'll teach you how to: Use a free-writing exercise to generate tons of topics fast. Use a 3-point scoring system toà sort out your top blog topics. Identify only the very best topics you'll actually write about. There isn't a secret involved. There is, however, a smart methodology behind our brainstorming process. It just involves a little bit of quick thinking and intuitive judgement to make the best useà of your limited time. Pro Tip: While these techniques work best with a team, you can use the same process if you're working alone too. Why It Is Important To Have A Brainstorming Process Creative ideas don't always appear out of thin air. Sometimes you'll have the most awesome inspiration when you least expect it. Some of us do our best thinking in the shower, or right before we head to bed at night. However,à bloggers and marketers don't always have the luxury of waiting for inspiration to strike. Your boss likely expects brilliance from you all the time (doubly so when deadlines are approaching). You have no excuse not to deliver, either. Consistent creativity keeps you paid and keeps your contentà effortsà moving forward. Recommendedà Reading:à 20 Ways To Be Creative When You Don't Feel Inspired Establishing a formal brainstorming process is the best way (or at least the most reliable way) to never run out of ideas. It achieves the following three things: It forces you to consciouslyà consider what your audience wants from you. It helps get the creative gears turning in your head, producing ideas you might not otherwise have thought of. It leverages the power of your team to generate more ideas than one person could alone (although it's still a useful process for those going solo too). Back To Top #Creative ideas don't always appear out of thin air. #inspirationWrite Down As Many Potential Ideas As You Can (10 Minutes) The first step is to write down as many ideas as you can think of. This works best with a whiteboard and markers, Post-It Notes, or anything else you can pin up on a wall later. Give all your team members something to write with. Set a timer for 10 minutes. Instruct everyone to free write as many ideas as they can think of before the timer runs out. It's important that no one looks at each other's writing or talks to anyone (yet). Don't worry whether your ideas are any good right away. The goal is to simply get your thoughts out of your head and out into the world. If in doubt, write it down anyway. You'll have time to sort out what's good and what's not later. Pro Tip: Aim forà quantity over quality at first. Overthinking cramps the creative process. Back To Top How To Rank Your Ideasà On A Three-Point Scale (10 Minutes) Now it's time for some constructive criticism. If you wrote your ideas down on note cards or sticky notes, now is the time to paste them up on a wall. They can be posted anywhere as long as everyone can easily read them. Here's what our board looked like after using this process: Position all your ideas on the left side of the wall or white board. Then, to the right, make three columns labeled 1, 2, and 3. How To Score Each Topic There are two ways you can approach this. Let's walk through each one. Method One: Read Your Ideas Out Loud Have one person on your team read each idea (or read them aloud to yourself). Then, have each team member rank each idea a 1 (weak), 2 (average), or 3 (exceptional). Say each response out loud. Place each idea into its respective column on the board. This approach lends itself well to collaboration. It gives the team an opportunity to discuss why they think an idea is good or bad. However, it also has a tendency to encourage group-think. Members might hear another person say "3" and be compelled to follow suit. This makes it important to stress honesty with each answer. Method Two: Score Ideas Silently Have one person read off each topic. Then, each team member submits their score to the reader via chat message.à You can use essentially any messaging system you'd like. We use Hipchat at , but Slack is another popular option to consider. You could even simply use Facebook Messenger or Google Hangouts. The reader then looks at each score, and places them into a document (you can use Word, Google Docs, Google Keep, Evernote, or anything else similar). Keep track of every idea that scores a unanimous 3. You can keep track of other ideas too if you'd like, but the unquestionable 3's are what you want to remember. Finally, the reader presents the team with a list of 3s. Your team can then discussà which of those ideas are worth writing about. The advantage to this technique is that it provides more honest feedback. When people can't hear what other people are saying, they tend to respond the way they truly think, without outside influence. However, it also cuts down on collaboration and discussion. This makes this approach faster, but sometimes, added communication can be beneficial for sorting out the best ideas. Pro Tip: You have to be fast when scoring each topic. Use your gut. Give yourself just a few moments and don't dwell on one idea for too long. Which Contentà Brainstorming Method Does Use? We've used both Method One and Method Two. Generally, our content marketing team prefers Method Two. It produces slightly fewer ideas overall, because less ideas get scored highly. However, these ideas tend to be stronger. Both approachesà are effective, however, and Method One might be a better choice ifà having a higher quantity of ideas is important. Back To Top Narrow Down Your Best Content Ideasà (10 Minutes) You've now generated a ton of ideas in 30 minutes. Now, the final phase of this process is to sharpenà your best concepts. For our team here at , we usually leave a brainstorming session with around 30 to 50 ideas. From there, you'll narrow down the best ones that you'll actually write about. Review your final list of 3's and identify the following for each idea: What problem would this post solve, or what question would it answer? What angle would this post take? What are some quick, hypothetical headlines that might work with this post? The goal is to make sure you have a clear picture of what each post will look like. 4 Key Indicators For Strongà Content Ideas We need to further clarify whatà makes a topic a 3 (versus a 1 or a 2). A 1 does not satisfy the following requirements while a 2 might satisfy one or two (but not all four). Strong ideas that should qualify as a 3, however, meet the following standards: Strong ideas are unique.à In this context, we'll define "unique" as something you haven't already written about. If a given topic is something you've covered previously, you'll need to ensure you're taking a different angle, or are exploring a different facet of that topic. Strong ideasà match your audience's interests. If you're just starting out, you might not know what your audience is interested in. However, if you're getting a lot of questions about something, that's probably a good topic to write about. Strong ideas fit within your expertise.à Your ideas should fit within the topical scope of what your brand or companyà is about. For example, a great post about how to change your own motor oilà wouldn't be a good fit for a food blog. Strong topics are well aligned with your expertise and with what readers expect from you. Don't let this deter you from thinking outside the box. Just be sure that the topics you choose are: Relevant to your audience. Things you're an expert on (or something you can make yourself an expert on through research and testing). The strongestà ideas are those you can do better than anyone else.à This ties into the previous point about staying within your topical area of expertise. In order to write a blog post that's going to drive organic search traffic and kick up a storm on social media, it needs to be good. The strongest contentà ideasà are those you can do better than anyone else.In fact, it needs to be better than good.à It needs to address its given topic with more and better information than at least 90% of what else is out there. If you're in a competitive niche, this might mean using the skyscraper technique to build off what larger competitors have already done. The main takeawayà is to ask whether you can write a better post on a topic than any other post that already exists. If that answer is no, the next question to ask is "Can you can write a post that's different from any other post out there?" That could mean your post introduces a new perspective on a topic. It could also mean your post adds information or provides findings from your own original research. Pro Tip: Make it a point to monitor social media chatter about your industry orà the areas your content covers. Then, when it comes time to plan content, you'll have more ideas in your head to pull from. Back To Top How To Applyà This Content Marketingà Brainstormingà Processà If You're Working Solo Let's say you're working alone. If you're a one-person blogger or marketing department, then how do you make this process work? The short answer is much the same as you would with a team. The only difference is you write and rate your ideas yourself. However, there are a few tips to keep in mind: You'll need to be your own worst critic. Without outside perspective, it might be tempting to say, "All of my ideas are genius!" However, you only want to publish your very best ideas. Make sure you filter accordingly. Read your ideas out loud, even if only to yourself. Like we said earlier, posts that sound good on paper occasionally sound weak out loud. You will need to be your own worst critic. #writing #bloggingBack To Top 4 Important Tips For Making This Brainstorming Process Work The more you run through this process, the more efficient you'll get. You'll also likely find yourself coming up with better ideas over time, too. Inà order to get the most from this approach to brainstorming, there are some things you'll need to keep in mind. Don't think, just act. Go with your gut when judging ideas. The ones that get you the most excited right away are usually the ones you know you should write. Focus on quantity first, then edit for quality. Letting yourself free write ideas loosens up your creative muscles. This can help surface ideas you might not have otherwise. Monitor your success. Once you have written a few posts using this process, pay close attention to which posts do best. If a post underperforms, then ask yourself why it didn't do well. Conversely, note what goes right with posts that really take off. This will help you better identify what a "3" looks like for your blog. Don't take it personally if your ideas get shot down. If an idea gets shot down, try not to take it as a commentary on yourself. The idea behind this process is to generate lots of ideas quickly. A lot of those ideas naturally won't make it. Back To Top How To Validate Blog Post Topics With Keyword Research Once you've invested your half-hour into your blog topic brainstormingà process, the next step is to do some keyword research. If you have a team member who is particularly interested in SEO, this is a good additional task for them to take on. The goal here is to find keywords related to your topics that you can use in your blog posts. This may take a little bit of additional time. However, it's worth it to ensure your blog topics drive traffic. Use these three quick keyword research tactics to gauge which of your proposed topics are best: 1. Use the Keywordini tool: 2. Then, copy the keywords from the CSV export: 3. Next, paste those keywords into the Google Adwords Keyword Planner: Need help with the keyword planner? Watch this video: 4. Try using those keywords in searches on Facebook or Twitter. Then, see what discussions are happening around those keywords. This will give you an idea of what kinds of words and language people use when discussing your topic. 5. Manually search thoseà keywords in Google as well. Review the top 10 results. Next, ask if the posts that currently exist for that keyword accurately match the same idea behind your topic. Pro Tip: It's important to understand the search intent behind keywords. For example, let's say you want to write about carpet cleaning. That could mean home carpet cleaning or commercial carpet cleaning. If it turns out that most people who are looking for that keyword want their home carpets cleaned, but your business only works with commercial clients, then you might need to find a better keyword. Back To Top What If I Can't Find Keywords With High Search Volume For My Topic? You might have an idea that you know your audience would love, but isn't relevant to any keywords with strong search volume. Does this mean you should abandon that idea? Not necessarily. Writing a blog post without backing it up with strong keyword data is a risk. #Writing a blog post without backing it up with strong keyword data is a risk. #blogYou could spend a lot of time creating something that gets a strong initial push on social media and emailà but then fails to drive sustained traffic from search engines. However, it's possible that your idea doesn't get searched a lot because it answers a question people don't know they should be asking. In these cases, it's helpful to find a way to align your idea with something people are searching for. Struggling To Find Good Keywords? Here are three tips you can follow when you're struggling to find good keywords (when you know you've got a strongà topic): Ask your social media audienceà for their thoughts on a given topic. If you get a lot of responses or stir up some discussion, that's a good indicator there's interest out there. Try searching for keywords around topics related to your suggested topic. This might help you come up with more ideas that are better matched to your audience's interests. Keyword Studio is an excellent paid tool well suited to this purpose. Use Hubspot's Blog Topicà Generator. Just enter three nouns related to your topic: You'll now have five fresh blog topics related to your main idea.à These hypothetical ideas may include keyword variations or other verbs or adjectives, too. Those additional words, combined with nouns related to your topic, may create keyword phrases youà might not have thought of. Try taking some of the variations this tool produces, and look them up usingà Google's Keyword Planner (or another keyword tool). It's possible you could come up with some strong keywords after all. Here's how to never run out of #blog #topics againBack To Top Now Try Brainstorming Some Blog Topics! This process provides us with roughly a month's worth of ideas each time we run through it. Depending on how often you publish, you may need to try going through these steps more often. However, one thing that's for certain is you'll never run out of blog topics. Try putting this process to use with your own team. Then, come back and let us know how it went. If you have additional tips or difficulties, we want to know! This Is The Best 30-Minute Content Marketing Brainstorming Process Consistently coming up with strong content marketing ideasà isà challenging. Youà have deadlines to hit. There are performance goals to meet.à The drive to be creative on-the-spot adds more pressure that you dont need. What you do need, however, is a reliable process for generating genius ideas fast. What if we told you it was possible to come up with 30 content ideasà in just 30 minutes? Not just any 30 topics, either. We mean topics your audienceà will actually want to read about. Most things that sound too good to be true are usually garbage. However, this is the actual (garbage-free) process we use here at . We can confirm from first-hand experience that this process works, and the results speak for themselves.Table Of Contents Why It Is Important To Have A Content Brainstorming Process Write Down As Many Potential Content Ideasà As You Can (10 Minutes) How To Rank Your Content Ideasà On A Three-Point Scale (10 Minutes) Narrow Down Your Best Contentà Topics (10 Minutes) How To Apply This Brainstorming Process If Youââ¬â¢re Working Solo 4 Important Tips For Making This Content Brainstorming Process Work How To Validate Content Ideasà With Keyword Research What If I Canââ¬â¢t Find Keywords With High Search Volume For My TopicThis Is The Best Way To Generate 30 Incredible Content Ideasà In JUST 30 Minutes In this post, we'll teach you how to: Use a free-writing exercise to generate tons of topics fast. Use a 3-point scoring system toà sort out your top blog topics. Identify only the very best topics you'll actually write about. There isn't a secret involved. There is, however, a smart methodology behind our brainstorming process. It just involves a little bit of quick thinking and intuitive judgement to make the best useà of your limited time. Pro Tip: While these techniques work best with a team, you can use the same process if you're working alone too. Why It Is Important To Have A Brainstorming Process Creative ideas don't always appear out of thin air. Sometimes you'll have the most awesome inspiration when you least expect it. Some of us do our best thinking in the shower, or right before we head to bed at night. However,à bloggers and marketers don't always have the luxury of waiting for inspiration to strike. Your boss likely expects brilliance from you all the time (doubly so when deadlines are approaching). You have no excuse not to deliver, either. Consistent creativity keeps you paid and keeps your contentà effortsà moving forward. Recommendedà Reading:à 20 Ways To Be Creative When You Don't Feel Inspired Establishing a formal brainstorming process is the best way (or at least the most reliable way) to never run out of ideas. It achieves the following three things: It forces you to consciouslyà consider what your audience wants from you. It helps get the creative gears turning in your head, producing ideas you might not otherwise have thought of. It leverages the power of your team to generate more ideas than one person could alone (although it's still a useful process for those going solo too). Back To Top #Creative ideas don't always appear out of thin air. #inspirationWrite Down As Many Potential Ideas As You Can (10 Minutes) The first step is to write down as many ideas as you can think of. This works best with a whiteboard and markers, Post-It Notes, or anything else you can pin up on a wall later. Give all your team members something to write with. Set a timer for 10 minutes. Instruct everyone to free write as many ideas as they can think of before the timer runs out. It's important that no one looks at each other's writing or talks to anyone (yet). Don't worry whether your ideas are any good right away. The goal is to simply get your thoughts out of your head and out into the world. If in doubt, write it down anyway. You'll have time to sort out what's good and what's not later. Pro Tip: Aim forà quantity over quality at first. Overthinking cramps the creative process. Back To Top How To Rank Your Ideasà On A Three-Point Scale (10 Minutes) Now it's time for some constructive criticism. If you wrote your ideas down on note cards or sticky notes, now is the time to paste them up on a wall. They can be posted anywhere as long as everyone can easily read them. Here's what our board looked like after using this process: Position all your ideas on the left side of the wall or white board. Then, to the right, make three columns labeled 1, 2, and 3. How To Score Each Topic There are two ways you can approach this. Let's walk through each one. Method One: Read Your Ideas Out Loud Have one person on your team read each idea (or read them aloud to yourself). Then, have each team member rank each idea a 1 (weak), 2 (average), or 3 (exceptional). Say each response out loud. Place each idea into its respective column on the board. This approach lends itself well to collaboration. It gives the team an opportunity to discuss why they think an idea is good or bad. However, it also has a tendency to encourage group-think. Members might hear another person say "3" and be compelled to follow suit. This makes it important to stress honesty with each answer. Method Two: Score Ideas Silently Have one person read off each topic. Then, each team member submits their score to the reader via chat message.à You can use essentially any messaging system you'd like. We use Hipchat at , but Slack is another popular option to consider. You could even simply use Facebook Messenger or Google Hangouts. The reader then looks at each score, and places them into a document (you can use Word, Google Docs, Google Keep, Evernote, or anything else similar). Keep track of every idea that scores a unanimous 3. You can keep track of other ideas too if you'd like, but the unquestionable 3's are what you want to remember. Finally, the reader presents the team with a list of 3s. Your team can then discussà which of those ideas are worth writing about. The advantage to this technique is that it provides more honest feedback. When people can't hear what other people are saying, they tend to respond the way they truly think, without outside influence. However, it also cuts down on collaboration and discussion. This makes this approach faster, but sometimes, added communication can be beneficial for sorting out the best ideas. Pro Tip: You have to be fast when scoring each topic. Use your gut. Give yourself just a few moments and don't dwell on one idea for too long. Which Contentà Brainstorming Method Does Use? We've used both Method One and Method Two. Generally, our content marketing team prefers Method Two. It produces slightly fewer ideas overall, because less ideas get scored highly. However, these ideas tend to be stronger. Both approachesà are effective, however, and Method One might be a better choice ifà having a higher quantity of ideas is important. Back To Top Narrow Down Your Best Content Ideasà (10 Minutes) You've now generated a ton of ideas in 30 minutes. Now, the final phase of this process is to sharpenà your best concepts. For our team here at , we usually leave a brainstorming session with around 30 to 50 ideas. From there, you'll narrow down the best ones that you'll actually write about. Review your final list of 3's and identify the following for each idea: What problem would this post solve, or what question would it answer? What angle would this post take? What are some quick, hypothetical headlines that might work with this post? The goal is to make sure you have a clear picture of what each post will look like. 4 Key Indicators For Strongà Content Ideas We need to further clarify whatà makes a topic a 3 (versus a 1 or a 2). A 1 does not satisfy the following requirements while a 2 might satisfy one or two (but not all four). Strong ideas that should qualify as a 3, however, meet the following standards: Strong ideas are unique.à In this context, we'll define "unique" as something you haven't already written about. If a given topic is something you've covered previously, you'll need to ensure you're taking a different angle, or are exploring a different facet of that topic. Strong ideasà match your audience's interests. If you're just starting out, you might not know what your audience is interested in. However, if you're getting a lot of questions about something, that's probably a good topic to write about. Strong ideas fit within your expertise.à Your ideas should fit within the topical scope of what your brand or companyà is about. For example, a great post about how to change your own motor oilà wouldn't be a good fit for a food blog. Strong topics are well aligned with your expertise and with what readers expect from you. Don't let this deter you from thinking outside the box. Just be sure that the topics you choose are: Relevant to your audience. Things you're an expert on (or something you can make yourself an expert on through research and testing). The strongestà ideas are those you can do better than anyone else.à This ties into the previous point about staying within your topical area of expertise. In order to write a blog post that's going to drive organic search traffic and kick up a storm on social media, it needs to be good. The strongest contentà ideasà are those you can do better than anyone else.In fact, it needs to be better than good.à It needs to address its given topic with more and better information than at least 90% of what else is out there. If you're in a competitive niche, this might mean using the skyscraper technique to build off what larger competitors have already done. The main takeawayà is to ask whether you can write a better post on a topic than any other post that already exists. If that answer is no, the next question to ask is "Can you can write a post that's different from any other post out there?" That could mean your post introduces a new perspective on a topic. It could also mean your post adds information or provides findings from your own original research. Pro Tip: Make it a point to monitor social media chatter about your industry orà the areas your content covers. Then, when it comes time to plan content, you'll have more ideas in your head to pull from. Back To Top How To Applyà This Content Marketingà Brainstormingà Processà If You're Working Solo Let's say you're working alone. If you're a one-person blogger or marketing department, then how do you make this process work? The short answer is much the same as you would with a team. The only difference is you write and rate your ideas yourself. However, there are a few tips to keep in mind: You'll need to be your own worst critic. Without outside perspective, it might be tempting to say, "All of my ideas are genius!" However, you only want to publish your very best ideas. Make sure you filter accordingly. Read your ideas out loud, even if only to yourself. Like we said earlier, posts that sound good on paper occasionally sound weak out loud. You will need to be your own worst critic. #writing #bloggingBack To Top 4 Important Tips For Making This Brainstorming Process Work The more you run through this process, the more efficient you'll get. You'll also likely find yourself coming up with better ideas over time, too. Inà order to get the most from this approach to brainstorming, there are some things you'll need to keep in mind. Don't think, just act. Go with your gut when judging ideas. The ones that get you the most excited right away are usually the ones you know you should write. Focus on quantity first, then edit for quality. Letting yourself free write ideas loosens up your creative muscles. This can help surface ideas you might not have otherwise. Monitor your success. Once you have written a few posts using this process, pay close attention to which posts do best. If a post underperforms, then ask yourself why it didn't do well. Conversely, note what goes right with posts that really take off. This will help you better identify what a "3" looks like for your blog. Don't take it personally if your ideas get shot down. If an idea gets shot down, try not to take it as a commentary on yourself. The idea behind this process is to generate lots of ideas quickly. A lot of those ideas naturally won't make it. Back To Top How To Validate Blog Post Topics With Keyword Research Once you've invested your half-hour into your blog topic brainstormingà process, the next step is to do some keyword research. If you have a team member who is particularly interested in SEO, this is a good additional task for them to take on. The goal here is to find keywords related to your topics that you can use in your blog posts. This may take a little bit of additional time. However, it's worth it to ensure your blog topics drive traffic. Use these three quick keyword research tactics to gauge which of your proposed topics are best: 1. Use the Keywordini tool: 2. Then, copy the keywords from the CSV export: 3. Next, paste those keywords into the Google Adwords Keyword Planner: Need help with the keyword planner? Watch this video: 4. Try using those keywords in searches on Facebook or Twitter. Then, see what discussions are happening around those keywords. This will give you an idea of what kinds of words and language people use when discussing your topic. 5. Manually search thoseà keywords in Google as well. Review the top 10 results. Next, ask if the posts that currently exist for that keyword accurately match the same idea behind your topic. Pro Tip: It's important to understand the search intent behind keywords. For example, let's say you want to write about carpet cleaning. That could mean home carpet cleaning or commercial carpet cleaning. If it turns out that most people who are looking for that keyword want their home carpets cleaned, but your business only works with commercial clients, then you might need to find a better keyword. Back To Top What If I Can't Find Keywords With High Search Volume For My Topic? You might have an idea that you know your audience would love, but isn't relevant to any keywords with strong search volume. Does this mean you should abandon that idea? Not necessarily. Writing a blog post without backing it up with strong keyword data is a risk. #Writing a blog post without backing it up with strong keyword data is a risk. #blogYou could spend a lot of time creating something that gets a strong initial push on social media and emailà but then fails to drive sustained traffic from search engines. However, it's possible that your idea doesn't get searched a lot because it answers a question people don't know they should be asking. In these cases, it's helpful to find a way to align your idea with something people are searching for. Struggling To Find Good Keywords? Here are three tips you can follow when you're struggling to find good keywords (when you know you've got a strongà topic): Ask your social media audienceà for their thoughts on a given topic. If you get a lot of responses or stir up some discussion, that's a good indicator there's interest out there. Try searching for keywords around topics related to your suggested topic. This might help you come up with more ideas that are better matched to your audience's interests. Keyword Studio is an excellent paid tool well suited to this purpose. Use Hubspot's Blog Topicà Generator. Just enter three nouns related to your topic: You'll now have five fresh blog topics related to your main idea.à These hypothetical ideas may include keyword variations or other verbs or adjectives, too. Those additional words, combined with nouns related to your topic, may create keyword phrases youà might not have thought of. Try taking some of the variations this tool produces, and look them up usingà Google's Keyword Planner (or another keyword tool). It's possible you could come up with some strong keywords after all. Here's how to never run out of #blog #topics againBack To Top Now Try Brainstorming Some Blog Topics! This process provides us with roughly a month's worth of ideas each time we run through it. Depending on how often you publish, you may need to try going through these steps more often. However, one thing that's for certain is you'll never run out of blog topics. Try putting this process to use with your own team. Then, come back and let us know how it went. If you have additional tips or difficulties, we want to know!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Ethical Communication in Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethical Communication in Crisis - Essay Example Organizational crisis takes in three structures. Responsibility is the establishment of moral crisis initiative. Preventing, overseeing, and recouping from emergencies all rely on upon the ability of pioneers and devotees to acknowledge their ethical obligations. In expansion to participating in, and cultivating, moral conduct, the capable crisis pioneer battles against human inclinations, institutional shortcomings, specific vested parties, and different obstructions to crisis aversion. Like obligation, transparency is an alternate prerequisite set on aggregations and associations working unreservedly in the public eye. Failure to unveil data produces ill-uses of force and benefit and makes it unthinkable for people to go about as educated parts of the neighborhood. Transparency starts with openness and it also includes symmetry. Some eyewitnesses recommend that pioneers in a crisis circumstance use key uncertainty as an elective to transparency. In key uncertainty, communicators are deliberately obscure, which permits them to speak to different gatherings of people. More regularly than not, then again, key uncertainty is untrustworthy, used to movement the accused and to confound stakeholders while giving them predisposition and/ or defici ent data. While the measure and sort of data to be imparted will fluctuate to every crisis, the objective may as well dependably be to be as open as could be allowed. In request to be moral, the assemblys demonstration of occasions and reaction to open feedback must have the right way and substance. Manner alludes to the manifestation of the correspondence, which needs to: be genuine, be auspicious and be in the best possible setting the substance of the message is as paramount as the structure it takes. The moral story of occasions: clearly recognizes wrongdoing; It accepts full obligation regarding what happened; expresses lament for the offense, the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Template Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Template - Essay Example It was located 6km southwest of Samos in a marshy, low river basin next to the sea. The Late ancient Heraion of Samos was the earliest huge freestanding Ionic temples. Its predecessors were found even in the Geometric period of eight century BC. The sanctuary belonged wholly to Samos. The development of the sanctuary was inseparably connected to the political history of Samos. The ceramic existence in the sanctuary points to its existence in the Bronze Age of Mycenaean culture. However, nothing much is known about the sanctuaryââ¬â¢s early period except a small fieldstone altar. Lygons tree served as the memorial of the cult. The Samians kept the wooden image of Hera in an open shrine with a protective roof. After Ionian Greeks had migrated to the region in second Millenium, they did not change much for two centuries. In 8th century BC, noteworthy growth in the architecture of the sanctuary took place. The altar obtained a rectangular shape with a southeastern direction. The floor of the sanctuary was paved. To the west, Hekatompedos, the first Hera temple was constructed. In the 7th Century BC, Samos experienced robust development. It had far-reaching trade relationships that extended to the western Mediterranean in the Near East. The Hekatompedos was rebuilt with large-scale and costly plinths. The Samians renovated and enlarged the altar. They also build the South Wall as a border of temenos. Samians consecrated the foremost extensive sculptures in the sanctuary. In the 6th century, high population of the city and concentration of wealth led to sweeping political change in the city. Tyrannies like Demoteles(600 BC) and Polycrates (538-522 BC) took power. The changes in economic and political powers led to huge architectural remodeling as people tried to represent some of the tyrants (Pomeroy, 2009). Costly metal implements like a splendid ivory youth in a dancing posture, Etruscan Bucchero ceramic vessels, Kouros,
Ending life ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ending life ethics - Essay Example The two principles are related because beneficence requires patients to make informed decisions and physicians to respect the decisions. It also requires physicians to guide patients against making decisions that are contrary to their best interest. The principle of autonomy can help the two doctors to respond to Johnââ¬â¢s condition. Doctors should guide patients in making their decisions by informing them about the consequences of their decisions. The two doctors failed to honor this principle by failing to inform John about the consequences of administering no treatment on him. The patient has the right to access relevant information from doctors to guide him in making his decisions. However, the two doctors should use this principle and communicate with John about the consequences of his decision. A mentally fit patient has the right to withhold his earlier decision. Dr. W. respects Johnââ¬â¢s will that he should not receive any additional treatment. This conflicts with the principle of beneficence, which requires that their actions be directed towards the best interest of John. The best interest in this case is saving his life. Furthermore, John had withheld his previous decision and requested the doctors to do something. The doctors should respect this not because it is demand of the principle of beneficence but because it is the wish of the patient. However, this will raise another question on whether the decision of a patient who is under the influence of health conditions should replace his original decision or preference. Johnââ¬â¢s second decision is as a result of despair due to his health condition. It is common for circumstances and other... This essay focuses on ethical issues and principles of life ending. Biomedical ethics refers to the principles that govern the morals, judgment and values in medicine. There are many principles that govern the behavior and action of doctors and other medical staff in the profession. Ethical dilemma arises when, for example, the values of the hospital (medical profession) conflict with the values of the patient or his family members. Such cases require the use of the key principles that will assist one in understanding and responding to the cases. Doctors choose the best course of action to take on patient with the help of these principles. Doctors and other medical staff should observe the principles behind these ethics to help them in solving ethical dilemma. Application of these principles requires clear communication channels between all the parties involved. It is clear that patients make decisions out of some influences that are beyond their control. Physicians should guide the patients in making their decisions. Patients have the right to use medical information to make their decisions but doctors should make sure that the decisions made acknowledge all consequences. Improving the welfare of patients should be the motive of all doctors. Physicians should be able to gauge the conditions that influence the decision of a patient and use their knowledge in determining the viability of decisions made. They should guide patients in making decisions regarding their health conditions and preferences.
Boston Fights Drugs Individual Case Assignment 2 Study
Boston Fights Drugs Individual Assignment 2 - Case Study Example 2. Would you have selected focus groups as your research methodology? Why/Why not? List the pros and cons of using focus groups in this situation, as well as the pros and cons of the other suggested methods in the case For such a sensitive issue, the student group should not have selected a focus group but, rather, they should have chosen the on-on-one interview. While the focus group allows people to exchange ideas, the answers they give could be impacted by peer pressure (Mitchell & Jolley, 2013). For the one-on-one interview, there would have been minimal peer pressure, the participants would have the opportunity to talk more, and could even encourage participants to share information that would have been otherwise not shared in a focus group. However, it is more expensive and requires more time for data collection (Mitchell & Jolley, 2013). The pre-screening questionnaire was devised to ensure broad representation of the entire Boston population, while partially disguising why the focus group was being conducted. Questions required participants to identify their favorite commercials, as well as their take on street violence, attitudes on drugs, and personal habits (Rangan, 1994). The interview protocol acted as a guide to direct the discussion to the researcherââ¬â¢s topics of interests. Given the budgetary and time constraints, the group did well in participant screening. However, this did not allow them to pick focus groups from all Boston neighborhoods as they focused on only four neighborhoods and selected a sole young adult group using the pre-screening questionnaires. In the sampling procedure, the student group sought help from Boston officials to recruit participants from various city community schools. They also divided the population into four groups, which were addicts, active users, recreational users, and non-users (Rangan, 1994). Due to a lack of resources to track all the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
H GWA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
H GWA - Research Paper Example It is important to understand the relationship that these two countries have in an effort to figure out the consequent impact that it has on any other relations that the United States has. The public policy to uphold through the paper is the labor and employment policy as the linking relationship between the two countries. History and Background The major types of relationships that these two countries share are political, monetary and social. It is also imperative to grasp an understanding of the history between the relationships between the United States and China that ages back to the year 1844 when there was the signing of the Treaty of Wanghia. The treaty introduced several rules to regulate their association and gave the United States ability to carry out extended trade relations with China just like other foreign powers1. The relations have existed since then and have brought both positive and negative effects on many countries around the world either directly or indirectly. E conomic Relationship In 1972, the United States received the leeway to invest in mainland China after being banned earlier citing the dangers of the soviet armies. The prolific relations have been the case ever since with the United States getting to an extent of even outsourcing its companiesââ¬â¢ requirements from the country. This has particularly brought up a large drift between the two countries from the fact that the United States claims that China makes use of that opportunity to create counterfeit items and consequently portraying the United States wrongly. These allegations have existed over the last five years where China takes some of the raw materials that it does not have in its country from the products made in the United States and rather than completing the manufacture of the products, the workers under the labor union seek to use the materials. This has led to both countries imposing strict trade tariffs on various investment sectors. The workers in China engage in the creation of replica products with the same name as the legitimate products and sell them both locally and internationally. Research has shown that the greatest export recipient of the Peoplesââ¬â¢ Republic of China is the European Union. This union is composed of 27 member states with the most influence coming from France. France has been on the receiving end on this issue of counterfeit products manufactured by China2. Given its power, France has great relations with both the United States and China and this issue places it at a poor position in its associations with the United States. French people buy the commodities from China given that the country provides them at a much cheaper rate and the low transport costs provided the proximity to each other. This has affected Franceââ¬â¢s economic terms with the United States especially on the case of clothing products and tires that it acquires from China. The United States has many times advised France from the purchase o f these counterfeit items from the fact that their usage discriminates the legitimate items provided by the United States and affects the economy negatively. France thus often gets into a cold relationship with the United States concerning this and with a continuation of the negligence, it is common
Retail Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Retail Marketing - Essay Example In retail enterprises, importance of marketing has been rapidly increasing. There are efforts made by organizations to combine digital and traditional marketing channels. Promotional activities are highly encouraged by retailers. It helps them to drive attention of customers that is essential for developing brand promise. In this particular study, an article has been chosen in order to highlight different approaches of retail marketing. This article is based on Sunday deliveries of Amazon. It was an initiative undertaken to build a broader base of loyal customers. Retail logistics shall be the prime focus of the entire study. The article chosen is based on innovative schemes implemented by Amazon. Amazon is an electronic commerce company of America which was founded in 1994. This company has its headquarters located in Washington. It was originally an online book store which has expanded its business operations into different product segments like selling software, DVDs, video, CDs, electronics, furniture, food, jewellery, apparel, toys, etc. Retail logistics concept is often difficult to understand or analyze. Amazon is regarded as the largest online retailer located in United States. There have been effective measures implemented by this organization in order to enhance level of customer expectations through on-time delivery. Procurement and delivery issues are closely knitted with the concept of retail logistics. The entire logistic mechanism needs to be highly efficient in case of retail companies. This is simply because they often do not have a brand or value proposition but it is structured only th rough satisfying customerââ¬â¢s interests. The article chosen for this study reflects upon widespread operations of Amazon. It has been observed that Amazon is actively involved in handling wide array of products. In this article it is highlighted that this company witnesses problems related to timely delivery. Many customers are not able to collect their
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
H GWA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
H GWA - Research Paper Example It is important to understand the relationship that these two countries have in an effort to figure out the consequent impact that it has on any other relations that the United States has. The public policy to uphold through the paper is the labor and employment policy as the linking relationship between the two countries. History and Background The major types of relationships that these two countries share are political, monetary and social. It is also imperative to grasp an understanding of the history between the relationships between the United States and China that ages back to the year 1844 when there was the signing of the Treaty of Wanghia. The treaty introduced several rules to regulate their association and gave the United States ability to carry out extended trade relations with China just like other foreign powers1. The relations have existed since then and have brought both positive and negative effects on many countries around the world either directly or indirectly. E conomic Relationship In 1972, the United States received the leeway to invest in mainland China after being banned earlier citing the dangers of the soviet armies. The prolific relations have been the case ever since with the United States getting to an extent of even outsourcing its companiesââ¬â¢ requirements from the country. This has particularly brought up a large drift between the two countries from the fact that the United States claims that China makes use of that opportunity to create counterfeit items and consequently portraying the United States wrongly. These allegations have existed over the last five years where China takes some of the raw materials that it does not have in its country from the products made in the United States and rather than completing the manufacture of the products, the workers under the labor union seek to use the materials. This has led to both countries imposing strict trade tariffs on various investment sectors. The workers in China engage in the creation of replica products with the same name as the legitimate products and sell them both locally and internationally. Research has shown that the greatest export recipient of the Peoplesââ¬â¢ Republic of China is the European Union. This union is composed of 27 member states with the most influence coming from France. France has been on the receiving end on this issue of counterfeit products manufactured by China2. Given its power, France has great relations with both the United States and China and this issue places it at a poor position in its associations with the United States. French people buy the commodities from China given that the country provides them at a much cheaper rate and the low transport costs provided the proximity to each other. This has affected Franceââ¬â¢s economic terms with the United States especially on the case of clothing products and tires that it acquires from China. The United States has many times advised France from the purchase o f these counterfeit items from the fact that their usage discriminates the legitimate items provided by the United States and affects the economy negatively. France thus often gets into a cold relationship with the United States concerning this and with a continuation of the negligence, it is common
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Aggregate Demand and Supply Models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Aggregate Demand and Supply Models - Essay Example A change in the rate of unemployment will hence result to a change in the demand and supply hence affecting the equilibrium market. People form expectations about prices; quantity supplied and inflation based on previous information. If individuals expect a shortage of goods, they will increase demand to store the goods for the scarce season. Sellers will however hold the goods and hence reduce supply since they anticipate increased costs during the scarce period. The same happens in case the customers and sellers expect an increase in prices (Tucker, 2010). Use of past information to form expectations is not efficient as it may result to wrong predictions hence affecting the equilibrium market negatively. Unemployment and expectations hence affect the aggregate equilibrium between supply and demand. The government should, therefore, develop measures to influence this non-price factors affecting demand. The economy will hence operate at equilibrium by avoiding surpluses or
Monday, October 14, 2019
Sainsburys Supermarket Consumer Analysis
Sainsburys Supermarket Consumer Analysis A super market is the One-Stop-provider of almost all the day to day basic necessities of any regular consumer in the given market industry. These necessities include the food items, drinks, toiletries, household stuff etc. Hence all you need to run your houses daily. These supermarkets have now further developed themselves by providing clothings, shoes etc. One of the leading names in the UK supermarket industry is Sainsburys. J. Sainsbury plc is the parent company of Sainsburys Supermarkets Ltd, commonly known as Sainsburys (also Sainsbury and JS); this is the third largest chain of super stores in the United Kingdom with a market share of 16.3%. The groups Head Office is located at Holborn in Central London. 1.2. Operations: Founded in 1869 by John James Sainsbury along with his wife Mary Ann in London and then gradually grew to become the largest grocery retailer by 1922. The company has a chain of stores with 537 supermarkets and 335 convenience stores, hence a total of 872 stores in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, including Hypermarkets (super large stores- Sainsburys stores- main plus), Sainsburys Central and Sainsburys local (supermarket and local convenient stores format main mission). The company has been eyeing the opportunity of expanding its business outside the UK. Especially the hyper potential in Asia (especially South East Asia and China). By analyzing Tescos huge success in the market outside UK, Sainsburys venture might not be far away. The Sainsburys family has 15% shares of J Sainsbury plc (as of May 2008) The major family shareholder is Lord Sainsbury of Turville holding 5.83% and Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover who holds almost 3% of the companys shares. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index (July 12, 2010 In this report we have analyzed Sainsburys on the basis of its financial performance through Studying its last 2 years financials Making necessary observations Comparing its financial performance with the market leader Tesco Commenting on the strengths and weaknesses as interpreted through their figures / ratios etc. Calculating the WACC for Sainsburys Keeping in view the over saturated industry of supermarkets, it was needed that Sainsburys should venture into something new to increase its profit margins and gives the companys portfolio some diversity. A new project suggesting that Sainsburys should open its Sainsburys Travels and Tours has been discussed and a formal report which analyzes the idea and calculates the projects NPV has been approved by the board and given a go ahead. A format for quarterly report has been suggested for business updates of the new project every quarter. Market Position. The Sainsburys is the UKs oldest major food retailer with their first store opened in 1869. It strives to keep up with its trusted heritage of quality with best services. The management has a continuous approach towards work with responsibility. They attempt to provide fresh food and innovate with respect to customers needs. It serves over 18.5 million customers every week. The large stores offer over 30000 products along with complementary Non-Food products e.g. the TU clothing range which has over 1 million transactions every week. Along with other services, an Internet based shopping service has also been made available, keeping in trend with the changing requirements o the customers, to almost 90% of UK households. In 1995, Tesco overtook Sainsburys to become the market leader, and Asda became the second largest in 2003, demoting Sainsburys into third place. (July 12, 2010 ( 2. Sainsbury Financial Structure and Performance: Sainsburys is the 3rd largest UK super market with Tesco and Asda as its closest competitors holding positions as No. 1 and No. 2 respectively. Presently Sainsburys is operating in 872 stores across UK with 150,000 employees Sainsburys closes its financial year in the third week of March every year. The tools used are the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash flow statement with the Notes to the Financial Statements. The financial analysis of any company helps determine the financial standing of the company and helps in making decisions and plan future strategy and projects on its basis The financial figures show a reasonable increase in sales. The gross profit showed a decline from 2007 to 2008 but is again on increasing trend in 2009. Balance sheet shows growth in goodwill and shares and decrease in the borrowings. This might have been due to increase in the interest rates. Cash flows show a significant increase in cash in hand which shows the company is stably liquid to handle its operations smoothly. Also the increase is due to sale of its stores. 2.1. Comparison with Market Leader Tesco: 2.1.1. Ratio Analysis: Ratio analysis of any company provides very important information regarding the companys financial standing, financial strengths /weaknesses. They are calculated to compare a companys progress against other rivals of the industry as well as its previous performance. The ratios measure The profitability of the business The Performance The quality of companys performance A companys ability to meet the short term obligations A companys debt burden Value of business / Investment 2.1.2. Management: Tesco is the market leader in UK supermarket industry holding almost 31% of the market. The 1st Tesco store was opened in 1929, in Edgware, Middlesex, UK. Since then it has gradually grown in to being the largest supermarket chain in the UK with almost 2200 stores in UK with over 285,000 employees. Since the mid 90s S, Tesco has been investing in new markets overseas, finding new opportunities for growth and means of generating long term returns for shareholders. The group operates in 13 markets outside the UK, in Europe, Asia and North America, and also announced their entry into the Indian market last year, where they are planning to establish cash carry business. 2.1.3. Financial strength: Both Sainsbury and Tesco have strong balance sheets, equipped with tangible real estate assets. This collateral allows them to borrow at lower rates and generate cash through sale-and-leaseback schemes if required. Both the companys are operating in a saturated market. Sainsburys almost 90% of revenue is consumed in COGS leaving from 5% to 6.5% in lieu of gross profit margin and even the other expenses are insignificant comparatively still the company is left with 1.5% to 1.9% of net profit. For Tesco, the situation is not very different from Sainsburys. Here the gross profit margin is 7% which is a little better from Sainsburys. The current ratios and Quick ratios of both the companys are below 1 which is not a healthy trend. In order to obtain any finance the company should have a stable solvency indicator. The debt ratio indicates that how much of the firms assets are being financed by the debt. Both the companys show a stable debt ratio of 20% to 30%. The debt to equity ratio measures the risk involved in investing in the particular company. Sainsburys shows an acceptable debt to equity ratio of almost 50% but Tesco comparably has a huge debt to equity ratio of 91 which might be because of its full throttle expansion in international markets. Most financiers analyze the company balance sheet before making an investment decision. The prime motive to check if the companys Capital Gearing is right. Capital Gearing is the relationship between Equity and Debt. It is always considered good for a company to have a reasonable Equity base to a business, as insurance against unexpected losses. This is to minimize the risk as much as possible. If a company has a Gearing of no more than 50% 67% of their Gross Assets from Debt, depending on the risk associated with the business, it is considered acceptable. The higher the gearing, the more vulnerable the company is to the impact of increased interest rates. Tesco and Sainsbury both show a sound gearing and though Sainsbury is more healthier to be invested upon, Tesco as well is well within the Good Gearing Grounds The interest coverage of both companys show a very healthy standing to meet their interest payments deadlines. From above comparison it is clear that retail industry is highly saturated and it is nearly impossible for the companies to earn super profits. Effective cost control techniques need to be applied and monitored on regular basis to improve profitability. Sainsburys have improved turnover at a rate of 5.5% a year. Profits have grown even faster; increasing by 6.7%. Tesco has a little edge based on earning slightly higher profits and showing rapid growth. Both the companies need to improve upon their debt structuring, especially Tesco and hence gradually improve their liquidity ratios. 2.1.4. Growth potential: So far, Sainsburys has only concentrated on its business in the UK while Tesco has increased its operations in 14 countries. But we should not conclude that Sainsbury is lacking in growth opportunities. Sainsburys has two procurement offices in China but again no one is sure as to when Sainsburys will be able to achieve increased growth and improved profit margin without international expansion. Sainsbury has performed well by adding innovative non-food products and banking services, but competition is tough and increasing in these areas, too Tesco, on the other hand, may have more growth opportunities in progressing Asian market and elsewhere, but its also a much bigger entity than Sainsbury. For example, during last one year Tesco had à £56.9 billion in turnover as compared to à £19.9 billion for Sainsbury. Sainsburys has been concentrating on UK store expansion rather than overseas growth. It has increased the total number of stores from 583 in 2004 to 872 today. Today, Sainsburys need to emphasize on its domestic growth and increase its store efficiencies, which is not an easy task, but it is more achievable than managing and controlling a group of international locations with diverse tastes and demands. 3. Weighted Average Cost of Capital: Debt Equity 2,357 (Long term debt) 18.64m (shares) * 345 (share price) = 6,431 3.1. Equity: No. of shares outstanding: 1,864 (m) Current market price per share: 345 Market Value of equity: 1,864 * 345 = 6431 We calculate the cost of equity through Dividend Growth Model Which is Ke = [Do (1 + g) / (MV-Ex Div)] g Where Ke = cost of equity Do = Dividend given = 14.20 (pence) MV = Market value = 345 (pence) Ex. Div = Ex Dividend = 10.20 (pence) g = growth rate = 7.6% Cost of equity: [14.20(1+0.076) / (345 10.2)] 0.076 Ke = 12.11% 3.2. Debt: Book value of Debt: 2,135 1,074 @ 4.98% 861 @ 2.36% 171 @ 4.25% 251 @ 4.3% Kd = 3.90% 3.3. WACC: V K V * K Debt 2357 3.90% 9192 Equity 6431 12.11% 77879 Total 8788 87071 Sum VK / Sum V = 87071 / 8788 = 9.91% 4. Project: 4.1. Opening up of Sainsburys Travel and Tours: Sainsbury has always aimed to be the consumers first choice for food, delivering quality products with great service at a competitive cost. The company is striving to achieve the objective of leading margins with diverse market and delivering strong profits every year. The values of Sainsburys are defined in their website as The values of the Sainsburys brand passion for healthy, safe, fresh and tasty food, our focus on delivering great products at fair prices, a history of innovation and leadership and a strong regard for the social, ethical and environmental effects of our operation have continued to stand the test of time. Five principles are at the core of Sainsburys business: The best for food and health Sourcing with integrity Respect for our environment Making a positive difference to our community A great place to work. These principles provide differentiation from our major competitors and define and direct all our activities. Keeping the tradition of the best services, the management has decided to venture into the ever growing market of Travel and Tourism industry with opening up of Sainsburys Travels and Tours. The idea of opening up a Travel Services business branch of Sainsburys is based on the news of Sainsburys opening up its Travel Clinics in mid 2008. The clinics were established in outlets initially offering free consultation with nurses offering different injections and health products with advise for people travelling to countries requiring vaccinations and immunization from infections like flu, malaria etc. These products were offered at significantly cheaper prices than in any specialist clinics. The Sainsburys Travels and Tours will provide the company to excel and achieve its strategic goals on the basis The supermarket industry has become fairly saturated in the UK and at present Sainsburys is eyeing to expand itself in the International market but it will be a while before it actually does. The Travel industry is a growing market and has a huge potential of growth. The new product will benefit the company earn huge profitability margins which are becoming hard to achieve I the supermarket industry. The Sainsburys has a huge loyal customer base which will be utilized for promotions and marketing purpose. The project has a high probability of success given a chance of a fresh new product offered by a supermarket chain. The company will use its existing huge customer base for the travel services marketing and promotion. The existing nectar loyalty card database will help the management to design the product, offerings, travel and tour packages as per the preferences. 4.1.1. Project Description and Key Elements: The project will have a Head Office (With the existing HQ of Sainsburys at Holborn Circus, London) have initially total 3-4 rooms allocated. The HQ office will have 7 employees. Initially only limited stores and selected cities will be setup with the Sainsburys Travels and Tour Desk with one person behind the counter. The Six major cities (with respect to area / population) i.e. London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Belfast and Cardiff covering the whole of UK will be set up initially for kick off of the Travel and Tour Services. 10 stores in London and 5 stores in the remaining cities will be setup for providing the services. Each of these cities will have a team of 2 people, 1 within the store premises (as mentioned above) and the other for monitoring and reporting purpose. The number of employees will gradually be increased as per requirements with the project evolvement. 4.1.2. Initial Investment Cost: Initial Investment Cost Cost of IATA Membership ( 33,500 GPB Total Staff 27 Computers 650 * 27 = 17,550 GBP (including VAT and Delivery) Server 2,800 GBP (including VAT and Delivery) Software 940 GBP (including VAT and Delivery) Total Initial Cost 54,790 GBP 4.1.3. Other Costs: Type of cost Cost Amount Remarks Salary for 1st year 450,000 Inc. of 7.5% each year Brochures / Stationary / Equipment 20,000 Inc. of 10% each year Marketing Budget 250,000 Inc. of 15% every year 4.1.4. Assumptions: We assume that Sainsbury will initially target the high spenders from its customer database and target them for the promotions and marketing materials (leaflets etc.) Initially the holiday packages and tours will be offered for 5 big holiday destinations including Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia, Barbados and Spain. The packages the calculations are based include a general deal for 4 people for 7 days. The holiday packages for these destinations cost as follows (based on holiday packages offered by Expedia. Destination Price for Customer (average) Actual Cost (with Sainsburys profit margin @ 24 (Price 24%) Egypt 1150 (GBP) [ 286.5 GBP per person] 874 GBP Turkey 728 (GBP) [182 GBP Per Person] 553 GBP Tunisia 1200 GBP [ 300 GBP per person] 912 GBP Barbados 3120 GBP [780 GBP per person] 2371 GBP Spain 1000 GBP [ 250 GBP per person] 760 GBP We assume that Sainsbury will succeed on selling on 110 of these above mention packages for each country. Annual Revenues will be 718900 GBP We assume that annual revenues will increase by 12% (2% more than the average growth in Sainsburys revenues which is 9.4% given the growth potential in the industry) Operating cost will include the salaries of the employees, day to day business running expenses etc. since we are sharing the premises of existing Sainsburys stores and HQ so there will be no extra operating cost except the salaries. As per the National Statistics Online, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is at 3.2% and the Retail Price Index (RPI) is at 5.0%. The growing inflation rates have a direct negative effect on the customers ability to spend on leisure and holidays. Although consumers have gradually developed this sense of planning ahead and saving for their Holidays. Effective Tax rate of 28% is applied. 4.2. Identification of Risk and Uncertainty: In any new project, one is never sure about 100% results. If the project is based on Risk then we might expect somewhat certain results based on previous data. The cash flows based on Risk might be forecasted and the associated possibilities are also known but in case of uncertainty the outcome is unknown and hence the related probabilities are also unknown. A study conducted with a few managers showed that they think risk is manageable if you have right information, sufficient knowledge about the project, and if the person is experienced in the particular field. Most of them stressed on the importance of alternatives, collecting more information and checking different aspects of the problem, along with being actively involved to reduce the risk.. (IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 32:4, IJCS_32_4_12) It is the attempt to manage both the known-unknowns and unknown-unknowns. Preparation for and managing the risk is the result of what is unsure and unknown-decision risk. 4.2.1. Affects of Risk and Uncertainty on proposed project: Lets consider the following aspects while making decision based on risk for the Sainsburys Travels and Tours What can go Wrong? The Sainsburys already has an established huge no. of loyal customers who would be happy to have an option o a different kind of service offered from their trust worthy service provider. The expectation for a stable turnover is based on the fact that it is an established name offering a new product on the basis of its goodwill. How likely it is to happen? The expected growth can be effected by increasing inflation rates. The Travel Industry faced a huge blow after 9-11 incident. What are the consequences? Any unforeseen incident like this (God forbid) will have long lasting effects on the companys growth, profitability and future expansions and plans. 5. Calculation of NPV: NPV is a technique where cash inflows which are expected in comming years are discounted back to their present value. This is calculated by through a discount rate equal to the interest that was to be received on the sums, in case the inflows had been saved, or the interest that has to be borne by the firm on the borrowings. In case of more then one project appraisal, the firm should choose the one that produces the highest NPV. 5.1. Sainsburys Travels and Tours Expected Cash Flows (for 3 years): The project has a positive NPV which is a healthy sign for the project. It can be proceeded with. The project is going to be beneficial for the company and add to the shareholders value. A positive NPV means that the project is worthwhile because the cost of tying up the firms capital is compensated for by the cash inflows that result. 6. Quarterly Report Format: As per the requirement of the board every quarter a report has to be sent for updated performance and progress information. The report has to serve the purpose of giving a complete up to date data to be analyzed by the board. A company analysis gives a complete performance and financial picture of the company. The report should include all the data necessary to quickly compare it with the major competitors. 6.1. Reporting Layouts: The report will be in Excel sheet format. The Information provided will be in different excel sheets in the same document each covering a preceding quarter to give convenient comparisons Title of the report: Sainsburys Travels and Tours Addressed to: Date: from -/-/- to -/-/-: Date of submission: Submitted by: 6.1.1. Holiday Packages Bookings: 6.1.4. Comparison of Actual and Forecasted performance: The calculation of the Sainsburys Travels and Tours project NPV has been made by going through the three years forecasted figures of the company which show that it is progressing towards a high performing entity with reasonable growth in profit. Although with the growth of the company eventually it will require to use more resources in term of offices, employees, equipment, marketing budget etc. but the current performance clearly suggests that it will very strongly bear all the changes and keep on showing a steady growth. 7. Conclusion: Sainsburys is one of the key players of the existing supermarket industry in UK. This report gives an overview of its performance during the last couple of years, dealing with the financial figures we have tried to analyze the financial standing and strength and the comparison with the main market leader Tesco gives a fair idea of both the companys approach towards business. Although Sainsburys has not yet ventured into the International market but the step might not b that far away keeping in mind the huge success TESCO has had in the international market. Sainsburys has a huge loyal customer base. The suggested new service product through Sainsburys Travel and Tours will provide these customers to utilize yet another trustworthy service by their trusted name. The growing Travel and Tours market will definitely have a positive effect on the Sainsburys portfolio by increasing its profits and hence strengthening its business.
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